MVP is Dead: Stop Building Terrible Products & Save Your 6 Months

Dipak Barkale
3 min readFeb 29, 2024

But, How? Let’s dive in…

Back in 2011, a guy named Eric Ries wrote a cool book called The Lean Startup.

In this book, he said, “Hey, let’s make a basic version of our product to test and learn.”

But hold up, just because MVPs are awesome, doesn’t mean they’re perfect.

They still have some issues.

So, a smarter approach is to build a scalable MVP from the beginning.

Why? Because building something you’ll eventually discard is a waste of time and money.

Having a functional product when you approach investors or partners gives you an edge.

After the launch, continuous testing and improvements are essential. So, having a product ready to scale is a wise investment.

But, you will say — Dipak, it will take lots of time & cost to build a scalable MVP. No worries I have a twist for you.

So, I applied this strategy for launching a product. It allowed us to bootstrap to thousands of users.

Here are steps to build a scalable MVP:

  1. Dig into User Research: Before you get hands-on with building, spend some quality time chatting with potential users. Skip the fancy tools initially — a few deep interviews can be more insightful.
  2. Zone in on One User: Identify your potential users and choose just one for now. This helps you craft an MVP tailored to their needs, removing unnecessary features.
  3. Set Short-term Goals: Think about your goals for the next couple of years. Are you after quick monetization or prioritizing growth? Your goals will shape the features and design elements you choose.
  4. Map Out Your Database Wisely: When sketching your database, consider both current and future needs. Fixing it later is a headache, so invest time upfront to avoid headaches.
  5. Lay Down a Product Roadmap: Even if it’s just for your eyes, jot down a roadmap. Predicting future steps is the key to scalability. List all features, prioritize them, and know what’s a must-have, important, or just a nice bonus.
  6. Pick a Scalable Platform: The twist is to go with no-code at the start. Opt for a platform that can grow with you. Tools like Bubble can take you from the early stages to substantial revenue without needing coding skills.
  7. Beware of Technical Debt: Don’t take shortcuts that lead to technical debt — the rework cost when choosing a quick solution. Taking a bit more time initially can save you a lot later on.
  8. Document Everything: Your memory isn’t perfect. Document your thought process, procedures, and decisions. It will help later in retrospectives and training new team members.

Building an MVP that scales might demand a bit more effort upfront, but it’s a payoff in the long run for you, your product, and your business.

PS: Building the product (scalable) on no-code is 10X faster & cheaper than traditional development.

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Dipak Barkale

Design • No-Code • Marketing • Co-founder & COO at WillStar Media #StriveForImpact