Top 7 Ways To Build A Self-Confidence

Dipak Barkale
2 min readMay 26, 2022
Dipak Barkale

Self-confidence is everything if you want to succeed in life. It helps you to take more risks and stay positive. These 7 things help me to build my self-confidence. If you are also lacking self-confidence, then this one is for you.

1. Face Your Fears

Gaining confidence does not come easily. you need to face your anxieties. who cares if you fail at first and feel uncomfortable.

Fail, fail again, and fail even more. dace your fears and reprogram your subconscious mind.

2. Dress Well

You will feel more confident if you look good. By dressing well, you will begin to feel much better, and this will be visible on your face.

Get some interesting clothes that fit well on your body and practise the art of style.

3. Start Doing Exercise

Your physical state has a significant impact on your mental state.

When you finish a workout, your brain sends a signal that generates a sensation of accomplishment, which immediately boosts your confidence.

4. Lifting Weights

Lifting weights enables your body to create more testosterone, which boosts your confidence and self-assurance.

5. Recognise And Appreciate Your Abilities

Your ability to pay attention to your talents, accomplishments, and advantages is crucial to your self-assurance.

You may enhance your self-esteem and confidence by simply dedicating a little additional time each day to reminding yourself of your abilities.

6. Imagine Yourself at your BEST

Put yourself in excellent shape and at the most successful,

- How do you look?
- How do you move?

After you imagine yourself in this situation, you will see that you enter a state of excessive self-assurance and experience much greater energy.

7. Accept Failure

You will make mistakes whenever you try something new.

Accept this reality, and failure will become a source of inspiration rather than disappointment.

I know, you guys know all of these things. But my point is to think about all these points and try once… You will get SUPER results.



Dipak Barkale

Design • No-Code • Marketing • Co-founder & COO at WillStar Media #StriveForImpact